When registering in a Baltimore County Public School you will need to provide proof that the child is domiciled in Baltimore County with the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The burden of establishing the child’s domicile is the parent(s)/guardian(s). Verification of domicile requires at least five (5) documents from the parent(s)/guardian(s), including a photo identification (with or without address), deed/lease (or other acceptable document listed below), and three (3) pieces of mail or documentation as listed below dated within sixty (60) days of the date submitted. All documents must reflect the same address in Baltimore County. If an address appears on the document used for photo identification, it also must reflect the same address as all other submitted documents. Students will not be enrolled unless and until all documentation is complete.
- Photo identification examples include driver’s license, Maryland identification card, or age of majority card from the motor vehicle administration. If used for photo identification, the document may not be used to verify address.
- Prior to enrollment, the principal or his/her designee will require as proof of child’s domicile with the parent(s)/guardian(s), one of the following documents, subject to verification:
Deed or deed of trust that has all required signatures.
If a home has just been purchased and no deed is available, a signed settlement sheet may be submitted. Within 30 days of enrollment, the parent must submit a deed or a deed of trust with all required signatures.
Title establishing ownership.
Mortgage coupon book or statement.
Real estate tax bill or receipt.
Original, current lease or rental agreement from a real estate management company or commercial lessor for a residential dwelling located in Baltimore County, along with all required signatures.
Lease or rental agreement from a private party owner. The private party owner must establish ownership with deed, deed of trust, mortgage coupon book/statement or real estate tax bill.
- In addition to the requirements set forth in this rule, parent(s)/guardian(s) must present a photo identification and three (3) of the following documents to establish name and address. The documents used must be from different sources. If mail is used, it must be postmarked within 60 days of the date submitted. The acceptability of all documentation is subject to review and approval by the school principal or his/her designee. Additional documentation may required when discrepancies exist within documents submitted regarding the domicile of the parent(s)/guardian(s). All documents must reflect the same address.
- Federal or state income tax return for the previous year
- W-2 form for the current year
- A statement on company letterhead from the parent's employer which verifies the parent's current address.
- Mailing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) from an office of a federal, state, or local governmental agency.
- Charge account/credit card billing statement
- Bank account statement
- Gas and electric bill.
- Cable bill
- Voter’s registration card
- Motor Vehicle Administration vehicle registration
- Driver’s license, Maryland identification card or age of majority card from the Motor Vehicle Administration that was not previously used as photo identification
- Change of address notification from The United States Postal Service
- Court documents
- Government-issued license and/or professional certificate
- First class mail from a business or agency
- Health center mailing
- Mailing from a Baltimore County public school or office
- Paycheck/paystub stating name and address
- Other documentation acceptable to the pupil personnel worker or residency assistant
If the domicile of the student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) changes at any time, the parent(s)/guardian(s) is responsible for notifying the student’s school immediately. In addition, please note that, in accordance with Rule 5150, if it is determined that a student is fraudulently enrolled in the Baltimore County Public Schools, “the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be financially liable for tuition for the entire time of fraudulent enrollment or attendance.”