Eighth grade is an important year! This is the time for students to prepare for high school by earning good grades, attending school every day, and developing the work habits that will prepare students for the next step in their education. Mr. Hess, counselor, is meeting with 8th grade classes to discuss high school programs, decision-making skills and school success strategies.
Students are assigned to attend their home high schools (Pikesville High, Woodlawn High, Randallstown High,Owings Mills High or Milford Mill Academy), based on the location of their residence. If you need to determine which high school your child is zoned to attend, Baltimore County maintains a boundaries website http://www.bcps.org/apps/boundaries/). The home high schools are comprehensive high schools which offer broad curriculum choices, preparing students for college or work.
Grade eight students may apply to attend a magnet high school to develop their interests or talents through specialized courses. Students may apply to any Baltimore County magnet school program. However, please consult the magnet school booklet to determine if transportation is available for the magnet program of interest.
Eighth grade students received a High School Magnet Programs booklet, during the first week of September, which contains a complete description of each magnet program, as well as the High School Magnet Application. In addition, dates are included for countywide magnet fairs and open houses at the magnet high schools and dates for required assessments/auditions. Additional applications are available online.
Please contact Mrs. Banks, at 443-809-1207 to discuss your child’s progress in grade eight and/or plans for high school.