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Welcome to the Pikesville Middle School website! 
You can find the most recent news updates below. For past news or other resources click on the tabs at the top of this page.

BCPS Inclement Weather Plan and Virtual Days

As approved by MSDE and the Baltimore County Public Schools Board of Education, the BCPS Virtual Day Plan details that BCPS will transition to virtual learning after three inclement weather days.

BCPS Virtual Days Plan

Synchronous Virtual Learning on inclement weather days (4+) will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule for students. Please click here to see Pikesville Middle School's 2-hour delay schedule.

Each teacher's Google Meets join code can be found in their Schoology course. The Google Meets codes follow this format: Teacher's first initial, last name and class period with no spaces in between. See this example: SJohnson1A.

Colder Season Uniform Updates

School Uniform  Información sobre el uniforme escolar

As we move into the colder season, students can wear long sleeve shirts or sweaters; however, the shirts or sweaters must be in the same color as the uniform shirt. 

Pikesville Middle School students will be expected to wear the uniform listed below:
• Black or Khaki colored pants
• Black or Khaki colored skirts (at least knee length)
• Black, or Khaki colored shorts (at least knee length)
• Grey polo for grade 6 students
• Light blue polo for grade 7 students
• Navy blue polo for grade 8 students

Parent Access to Focus and Schoology

Starting on August 23, 2021, parents will be able to log in to Focus, BCPS’ Student Information System, and Schoology, BCPS Learning Management System.   Parents will need to create a parent account with the same email address they provided to their school to sign up.  Parents must be marked in Focus as having educational access to gain access to their student’s information.  It will take up to 30 minutes to gain access to Focus and up to 48 hours to access Schoology.  There is a link within Focus that will take parents directly to Schoology.  If a parent clicks the Schoology link before the connection is established, the parent will receive an error message.  Parents can contact their child’s school to resolve any issues with this process.

Creating a Parent Account in B2C

School Support for Creating a Parent Account in B2C

Quick Links

picture of school supplies
Back-to-School Summer Mailing:
Everything you need to know to prepare for the start of school

Click here to download the document.

Pikesville Peek

Please check out our Community School Newsletter to get information about :

  • Upcoming Events
  • Community Partnerships
  • Resources
  • And more!

Principal's Weekly Communication

Weekly Communication: September 15th 

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Check out our broadcasted morning announcements!

Click here to view the announcements.

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