Bus assignments are available on FOCUS. Please visit
BCPS Focus and sign in with your BCPS username and password to access your child(ren)'s bus information.
To view you child(ren)'s bus route, please download this document:
Bus Routes
If you have questions about bus arrivals or departures, students and parents/guardians can access the
BCPS Transportation Status Website to get information.
BCPS Transportation Handbook outlines student expectations, rights, and responsibilities. Please review the with the handbook with your student(s). Students will also review them in school.
All morning bus riders are dropped off in the bus loop in front of the school. Doors will open for students at 7:50am. Students should enter through their grade level entrance (labeled on the front of the school) unless they are interested in receiving breakfast in the cafeteria at which time they should enter through the main entrance.
Students who are
dropped off by parents/guardians must be dropped off in the parking lot to the right of the school/main entrance. Car riders should enter through their grade level entrance unless they are interested in receiving breakfast.
All afternoon bus riders will be dismissed to board their buses when they are called over the intercom.
car riders are dismissed, they should
meet their ride in the parking lot to the right or the school/main entrance.