Community School

Community School Logo

“Community Schools mobilize students, families, educators, and community members to develop a grassroots vision for their schools and communities, and they work together to achieve their vision.”
- National Education Association, 2021.

While all schools provide support to students, community schools work in collaboration with community partners, local governments, and other stakeholders to provide wraparound services that address barriers to learning and success. Community schools leverage the power of neighborhoods through asset-based approaches that strengthen the connections between home, school, and communities and create change for the people that they serve.

All the supports provided for families must be rooted in the evidence-based strategies. We must collect data through the Community School survey from students, families and staff to determine the needs of our community in order to provide wraparound services.
Community School Road Map

Please take the Community School survey as soon as possible so we can begin developing programs that support students and families. 

Parent Survey (English)     

Community School Survey    

Por favor responda la encuesta

Encuesta para padres (Espanol)

Encuesta para padres

Опрос родителей
Опрос родителей

Please watch this video for more information: Community School Video